But the VP's schedule has skyrocketed since the interview.
Actually, I'm not sorry.
I'm not sure why I just said that.
Boy, I'll tell you something.
That TV interview was a big gamble, but it really paid off.
- Look at this.
- What is it? They're calling you the "no-BS VP.
" Damn right they are.
I mean, I lied and everything, - but it sounded true, at least.
- Uh-huh.
Mood is good.
Just need six more years like today and they will vote us POTUS.
Hey, ma'am, remember tomorrow you've got that Get Moving Fun Run.
You probably should prepare, don't you think? - It's a 10K.
- Yeah.
- I can run that thing in a suit of armor.
- Okay.
Ma'am, I shouldn't go with you to this donors' brunch.
We don't want to set off any alarm bells.
Oh, yeah.
You know what? Me neither.
Okay, I'll go kiss some hateful billionaire ass on my own.
Give them all donor boners.
- Everyone wants a piece of you, ma'am.
- Yeah.
Via me.
I need to go talk to Ben right now.
- Andale! - Let's go.
We haven't heard anything from the president so far.
We've got rumors of a whistleblower high up in the State Department.
What? What are you doing? - I don't want people to see that.
- Okay.
They should put those in a dispenser - outside Ben's office, right? - Yeah.
White House staff are lawyering up in case of subpoenas Ben.
- Ben? - We've got the president's own party talking of a potential challenger Hey, why doesn't POTUS just make an apology? I mean, I did and I was only, like, suicidal for a week.
- Huh? - Because he's a mess, all right? He's got a cave full of bats in his skull.
I took the heat for the spy.
- Don't I get any credit for that at all? - Yeah.
So now we've got the House Judiciary Committee subpoenaing us senseless.
And on top of that, we got a rumor going around that says that there's a challenger inside the party.
- What? Who? - I don't know.
One of Gaddafi's sons.
They're polling better.
So thank you very much for your help, but would you quit being so goddamned proactive? What are you going to do for an encore? Blow the opening day pitch out of your ass? Ah, that's lovely.
Is this what this is going to be like for the next two years? Oh, my, yes.
We are at DEFCON fuck.
Hey, ma'am, I got flash cards on the donors.
No, thanks.
I got it.
Peter Spiddock sleeps with his gun, Sandra O'Neill fricking hates fracking, Sidney Purcell talking to him, it's like being stuck in a sewer pipe filled with dead rats.
He's got money to burn.
Not that donating to your campaign is burning money.
I know what this is all about.
This is a political prick tease today.
Yeah, and we're about to meet a bunch of pricks.
Challenger schmallenger.
I mean, if this brunch goes well, my campaign launchpad is going to be made of solid fucking gold.
And then in six years, it's gonna be Ms.
Yeah! We're gonna need a bigger bag! Ovaries in the Oval Office! The West Womb! What? - What? - You know, like a womb.
Like a woman has a womb that the baby comes Oh, pathetic.
"Politico" is announcing that Danny Chung has just uploaded his "What I'm Listening To" playlist on Spotify.
We need to do a playlist.
Oh, we absolutely do.
- Get Dan.
- No, I can help with the songs.
You know, my niece loves Katy Perry.
Just like I said, get Dan.
- There he is.
- DJ Dan.
- Thanks for the playlist.
- Oh, my pleasure.
Seems like it's playing pretty well, too, with the oldies and the Young Chungers.
The Young Chungers.
- It's like you think in hashtags.
- Oh, you like that? All right, maybe we can call the over 65ers the Granny Chungs.
No, I'll keep working on that one.
Oh, shit.
You need to take that.
Keep her happy.
Tall order.
You smell that? Money.
Hey, Dan? - Ma'am.
- Have you heard anything about this Danny Chung playlist? I just caught that, actually.
Some smart stuff on there, too.
Nas for the young folks, some Dean Martin for the retirees.
He just got one of his butt droids to do it, which is why I want you to do it for me, okay? Your mix is my command.
Come on, Sue, help me out with this, okay? You're good at this stuff.
You're young, you're hip, you're hop.
What about Jimmy Cliff? "The Harder They Come"? No.
Look, I have no idea who that is, so, no.
Elvis Costello, "Peace, Love and Understanding"? - What? - No, no, and no.
Are you getting these all from your iPod? - No.
I think it's in a cloud.
- Oh.