Thank you so much.
Victory in Iowa is just the start of the job.
- I've worked my whole life - Oh, please.
and now it's time to make {his country work.
Let's take our shirts off and work up a sweat.
Listen to this idiot.
They're not even sound bites, theyâre just sounds.
Yeah, but it works, though.
That's the thing.
I mean, he corn-holed us in Iowa.
Well, that's appropriate.
It's the corn state.
What are Thornhill's numbers now? And please downplay them so I don't cry.
- He's killing us.
- Please downplay them, I said.
She is downplaying them, ma'am.
People like someone who's normal, okay? Gritty, you know, folks who actually eat grits.
I'm normal.
I can be so folksy.
Doing the folksy thing with folks.
Hello? We'll push it.
We'll push it more.
Well, push it.
We got four days left.
Remember when we only had five days left? - Those were good times.
- Great times.
- Okay, we're gonna get you out in the streets.
- Okay.
You know, shopping malls, community centers - Right.
- farmers' markets.
You should go to a ball game, ma'am.
Throw out the first pitch.
It's January, Mike.
Yeah, and I can't throw a ball, Mike.
I'll look like Gary here.
- Thank you.
- Mmm-hmm.
Um, what about local phone-in shows? Great idea.
Talk some real vote meat.
You know.
Rub with a schlub.
That kind of thing.
Guys, guys, you gotta get out there on the stump.
That's a good point.
Nothing says "Regular American" like standing on a street corner shouting at strangers.
- Okay.
- Actually, I had a similar thought.
Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please.
What, are you David Coppercock? If you like, Humor Man, yes.
- Can I get a volunteer? - Me, me, me.
Come forward.
Gary, would you please open the box.
Ooh! Oh.
- What is it? - Take it out.
my God! Wow' It's a box inside of a box.
Jesus! Oh, it's a crate.
- Wow! - You like that? I love it.
Are you okay? - That really hurt my - Can you move? - Yeah.
- Yeah, get up there.
- Take it for a test spin.
- Yes.
- Huh? See, it's folksy, it's traditional.
- That's right.
And it's reinforced with titanium so you won't fall through.
It's fantastic.
You guys, this could be the key image for the campaign.
- Me on a crate.
I love this! - Yep.
- Ma'am, new donations.
- God.
Mark Dugdale from Dugdale Recycling just pledged $30,000.
Okay, so I'll make a call in to him.
I gotta tell you something.
I wanna get away from the politicos.
I wanna talk to you, the regular Joes.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Right? We also have $2,000 from a guy named Paul Duffy from the local dry cleaner.
Okay, for two grand, you don't get a call from me.
Okay? Just send him a button or something.
See, the thing is, folks, is that this is the real America and I want to say God bless you guys.
Oh, God! I could watch you do this all day.
You know, they accuse you of not thinking outside the box, but I do think outside the box.
You know what else I do? I stand on top of a box.
Okay, you can stop now.
- You might wanna save that voice.
- Yeah.
- Uh, good luck with the street shouting.
- Okay.
I gotta get back to D.
, POTUS is having a difficult time with FLOTUS and her - Suicide attempt, yeah.
- Yes.
I don't blame her.
Imagine being married to that guy.
I wouldn't put up with that shit for a second.
This looks good.
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