Did you know what was going on in your name on the day of the Families First vote? Were you using lobbyists? I would never, ever let that happen.
And if it had happened, which it absolutely did not, I would make sure that something was done about it.
Absolutely damn sure.
So this wasn't a matter for Congress? Well, I am certain that Congress, and my opponents for that matter, have better things to do with their time, like getting down to the business of government.
And let me repeat myself again and say to the American people that there is not one ounce of truth to these allegations.
- Madam President - Not one ounce of truth to these allegations.
Thank you very much.
That's all the time I have for today.
Thank you.
Don't touch me.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? - I do.
- Yes, I do.
Yes, sir, I do.
Cafferty, pardon me being blunt, but why did Families First fail? It happens.
Rain gonna fall, bar's gonna close, bill's gonna fail.
There's a job for you at Hallmark, Mr.
You don't seem upset that the bill failed.
If I had kids, which actually I do, this bill would be my baby.
I and the entire White House, we sweated a full transfusion of blood to pass this bill.
So Jonah Ryan wasn't sent here to defend the bill, to deliberately undermine it? No.
Read my luscious lips, no.
We were consultants, not lobbyists.
And what's the difference? You ask to be consulted.
A consultant consults the client, whereas a lobbyist lobbies on behalf of the client.
You're not telling me the difference, you're just turning nouns into verbs.
So you were consulting people to vote against the Families First Bill? Yes.
Yes, we were.
That's exactly what they were doing.
Excuse me, Mr.
We didn't ask for your commentary on the veracity of their testimonies.
Oh, I'm very sorry, sir.
I'm sorry that I misconducted myself and I will not do that in to the future.
What is your assessment of Ms.
Brookheimer and Mr.
Egan? Oh, Ms.
Brookheimer is a strong, independent, flexible woman.
And Lord knows there aren't enough of those in DC.
And Mr.
Egan? Uh, Dan Egan is a solid five and a half, weak six.
Can you tell us who was responsible for the data breach? No.
Well, I mean, yes.
Yes, it's a matter of public record that Dan Egan was fired because of his relation to the data breach.
I mean, you could have Googled that.
Wait, that's not my question.
Was he responsible? Washington needed a sacrifice, so we all ran and took out our pitchforks and we set fire to the wicker Dan.
Okay, so why did he deserve to go if he was innocent? You make it sound like there's a correlation between what should happen and what actually happens.
I mean, life is chaotic and it's often unfair.
I know it is for me.
Dan Egan deserved to go, so he went.
Sure, I love money.
But there's something else that I love and it's a little lady called the United States of America.
And Ms.
Brookheimer and I are here today as patriots speaking up for the common citizen, be that individual an actual person or a corporation.
That shoehorned stab at nobility - will not fly here.
- Okay.
Brookheimer, are you guided purely by money? I think it's interesting that you chose me to aim that question at, insinuating that I am a money-grabbing, careerist, low-moraled I don't know why I'm helping you here.
There is no need to be shrill, Ms.
- Shrill? - Mmm.
Do you recall a document shared on the J-drive titled the Jonad Files? - Uh, no.
No, ma'am.
- No.
That doesn't ring a bell.
So it's not a word combining Jonah and gonad? - Not to my knowledge.
- I can confirm that that is exactly what it is and Mr.
Egan knows that.
In fact, Mr.
Egan, I was told that you encouraged staffers to add to this glossary of abuse.
I do not at this moment in time recall the action nor the document in question.
Okay, maybe this will jog your memory.
We have some extracts.
J-Rock, Jizzy Gillespie, Jack and the Giant Jackoff, Gaylien, Tinker Balls, Wadzilla, One Erection Do we have to go through all of these? I'm not sure that I see the relevance.
The witnesses claim they held their former colleague in high regard and I am attempting to prove otherwise.
Okay, yeah, sure.
No, you can proceed.
The Pointless Giant, The 60-Foot Virgin, Gimpanzee, Jonah Ono, Hagrid's Nutsack, Scrotum Pole, Transgenderformers, Benedict Come In His Own Hand, Guyscraper, The Cloud Botherer, Supercalifragilisticexpiali Dick Cheese, Teenage Mutant Ninja Asshole, Spewbacca.
My college friends called me Tall McCartney.
I preferred that.
That's a good nickname.
Fractious cracks have opened up in your relationships and in your testimony and we'll explore them in a later session.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? I do.
You were fired from the White House in April.
Is that correct? Yes.
The drama queen in me likes to say that they sacrificed me at Easter.
Uh, you've been described as the scapegoat.
Were you in fact responsible for the HIV data breach? No, I value confidentiality and paradoxically I don't care who knows it.
Why were you fired? To conceal something bigger.
They thought I was a mouse.
Well, this mouse will roar.
Patterson, you better tell us what that something bigger is.
Someone from the campaign used child mortality data from the same federal breach that named Jennifer Graham as an HIV victim.
Used to what end? To deliberately target bereaved parents for a campaign mailer called I Care.
Okay, so this is how it's gonna work.
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