AMY: "Selina Meyer didn't just
shatter the glass ceiling,
she swept up every single shard
so that my daughter and your daughters
will never even know it existed.
- ALL: Aw!
- Well, that just tickles my twat!
Gosh, Montez is actually gonna say that
at my portrait unveiling in English?
Yeah, in front of 200 of
Washington's most important people.
- And Mike.
- See, Mike? That is good writing.
- Why can't you write like that?
- I'm the first to admit
I'm not the world's
greatest speech writer.
Ma'am, the White House wants
us to finalize your guest list
by the day after yesterday.
So, today.
That's a
bit of a brain twister.
It's a hot ticket.
What about Congressman Jonah Ryan?
Richard, you have such
a good sense of humor.
Amy, you should take a
cue from him, really.
MIKE: Ma'am?
- Yes.
- Greg Morehouse is here for our meeting.
- He's your editor.
- I know that.
Hey, Greg!
Can we get you some
coffee or some tea or?
- Do you have some bai hao white tip?
- I do! (CHUCKLES)
Oh, well, there you go.
So, what did you think
of the manuscript?
- It's rough, of course, but
- I think it's really interesting.
- Oh, I'm so happy!
- The dad and the horse.
I know, right? Well
- There's just one little thing.
- Sure.
We do need a bit more of
the presidency in there.
I mean, the book ends with
you going off to college.
That's right, yes, and
the presidential stuff
will be in volume two
"Meyer Ascendant.
- And three "The Meyer Year.
- Yes.
I get that, and if you wanna
stick with this book as is,
I completely understand.
We're just gonna need our advance back.
- There was an advance?
- Quiet, quiet.
And Moses led his people
to the land of?
- Hanukkah.
- Canaan, Rabbi.
Shut up, Nikhil.
This stupid
hat is too small for my head.
Fine, this stupid hat is
too small for my yarmulke.
It's okay, Jonah.
Conversion to Judaism
is about a commitment to
the Jewish lifestyle.
Oh, good, 'cause all this learning
is giving me a yarmulke ache.
Just to remind everybody that next week,
we'll be rededicating the sanctuary.
Sorry, I have to go to the White House.
President Meyer's unveiling.
- MAN: Okay.
- The final invitation list went out,
and you're not on it.
Oh, Jesus Christ!
I'm sorry, I can say that now and
still get into heaven, right?
Actually, Jonah, Jews
don't believe in heaven.
Shut the fuck up, Nikhil!
Wait, Shawnee, how am I
gonna see my dog again?
Is there, like, a Jew place for dogs?
SELINA: All right, Mike, we got
30 days to write a new draft.
Get out that diary, pick
a day, and let's go.
- June 14th.
Ooh, chock full.
- Oh, goody! Great.
Briefing on infrastructure bill,
clutch with Wichita notary group,
review on legislative conference
regarding pharmaceutical labeling.
(EXHALES) We're fucked.
I don't even remember any of that.
Some things are so dull,
you have to block them out.
No kidding.
I mean, I'm sure that I played with
Catherine when she was a child
but for the life of me, I
can't remember one second.
- Oh, and there she is.
- MIKE: Hey!
Mom, we had a great wellness
check at the doctor's today.
- So, is it a boy, is it a girl?
- Oh, right.
ALL: It's a baby.
- No.
- GARY: Mm-mm.
We're not doing that.
No, Mom, we don't wanna know.
Catherine, you are not
going to be coy or twee
about the sex of my grandchild.
This is a human being you're making,
not some Brooklyn-based,
artisanal chocolate bar.
Birth gender isn't even that relevant.
She/he will decide her/his ideal
gender when she/he is/are ready.
Okay, is that how we're
talking now, Marjorie,
like some sort of bi-curious Porky Pig?
) I'm not doing that.
I had an aunt who transitioned twice.
She was trapped inside a man, and then that
man was trapped inside of another woman.
- Oh, like a turducken.
- Mm-hmm.
Mom, it's not that big of a deal.
We have baby names
picked out either way.
Yes, Leslie or Dana if it's a boy and
And for a girl we like Linus.
- Seriously?
- That feels like child abuse.
Okay, I can't.
Can you just go away, Catherine?
That's fine.
We're late anyway.
Richard has doula class and
we're bringing the snacks.
- What?
- It'll be my first human birth, so.
- What is happening?
- (CHUCKLING) What is happening?
- It just
- Gender is simple!
- Right.
- You're a girl, I'm a boy.
Hey, what about
some of that lezzy stuff?
You think that would spice up the book?
Catherine's forbidden affair
with your Secret Service agent.
Yeah, but, I mean, does anybody really give
a shit about two average-looking lesbians?
- I don't mind them.
- GARY: Ugh.
I'll tell you one thing
people would flip out about.
A book about my sex life.
- Seriously.
I mean, obviously, we can't do that.
- Yeah, you can't do that.
- Really? Why can't we?
- You can do that.
- I mean, that book would fly off the shelves.
- Fly.
- People would pay whatever it is a book costs, you know?
And everybody knows that
I dated Charlie Baird.
Aw, Charlie.
But there's somebody
else that I slept with.
Somebody that I worked with closely.
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