哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)【完整台词】
哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) 全部台词 (当前第3页,一共 9 页)
Herein is is said forth
the last will and testament of ...
... Albus Percival Wulfric
Brian Dumbledore.
First, to
Ronald Billius Weasley ... "
"... I leave my delumintor."
"A device, of my own making ..."
"... In hope when things
seem most dark ... "
"... it will show you the light."
- Dumbledore left this for me?
- Yes.
What is it?
" To Hermione Jean Granger ..."
"... I leave my copy of
Tales of Beedle the Bard / i ..."
"... In the hope that she finds it
entertaining and instructive "
Mom used to tell me those.
The wizard and the hopping pot,
Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump ...
Come on.
Babbity Rabbity...
"To Harry James Potter ..."
"... I leave the snitch he caught
in his first match at Hogwarts... "
"... As a reminder of
rewards of perseverance ... "
"... And skill."
Is that it then?
Not quite.
Dumbledore left you ...
... a second bequest
The sword of
Godric Gryffindor.
Unfortunately the sword of Gryffindor
was not Dumbledore's to give away.
As an important
historical artifact it belongs ...
to Harry.
It belongs to Harry.
It came to him when he most
needed it in the Chamber of Secrets.
The sword may present itself to
any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger ...
... but that does not make it
that wizards property
Unfortunately the current
whereabout of the sword are unknown.
Excuse me?
The Sword is Missing.
I don't know what you are up,
to, Mr. Potter ...
... but you can't fight
this war on your own
He is too strong.
Hello, Harry.
i've interrupted
deep thoughts, haven't I?
I see a growing
in your eyes
Of course not.
How are you, Luna?
Very well, The garden
gnome has bitten my finger...
Gnome saliva is s very benificial.
Xenophilius Lovegood.
We live just over the hill.
Pleasure to meet you, sir.
I trust you know
Mr. Potter ...
... we at the Quibbler, disagree with Daily Prophet,
and have always fully supported Dumbledore ...
... during his lifetime and after his death,
and we also support you.
Thank you.
Come Daddy.
Harry does not want to talk to us right now?.
He is just too polite
to point it out.
Harry Potter ...
Excuse me, sir.
- May I sit down?
- Mr. Potter.
By all means...here
I found what you wrote
in the Daily Prophet.
really moving.
You obviously knew
Dumbledore well.
Well, I certainly
knew him the longest.
Unless we count his brother Aberforth,
and somehow people never do seem to count Aberforth.
I didn't even know
he had a brother.
Ah Well, Dumbledore was always
very private, even as a boy.
Do not despair, Elphias.
I'm told he has been thoroughly
unrevealed by Rita Skeeter.
in 800 pages.
Word has it
that someone talked to her.
Someone who knew the
Dumbledore family well.
Both you and I know
who that is , Elphias.
Monstrous betrayal.
Who are we talking about?
Bathilda Bagshot.
- Who?
- Oh, boy ...
... she's only the most celebrated
magical historian of the last century.
She was as close to Dumbledore
as anyone
Sure Rita Skeeter thought it well
worth a trip to Godric's Hollow ...
... to take a peek into
that old birds records.
Godris Hollow?
Bathilda Bagshot lives in Godric's Hollow?
Thats where she first met Dumbledore.
You don't say thar he lived there too.
His family moved
there ...
... after his father killed
those three Muggles.
It was a quite the scandal.
Honestly my boy ...
... are you sure
that you knew him at all?
Ministry has fallen. / i
Minister of Magic is dead. / i
They are coming. / i
They are coming. / i
Nice meeting you,
Mr. Potter.
Go! Go!
Where are we?
Shaftesbury Avenue.
I used to come up here to theaters
with mom and dad.
I do not know why I though of it. It was
the first thing to come to my head
This way.
Have you ever seen this before?
- It is Master Regulus's locket!
- There were two, weren't there?
Where is the other one?
Kreacher deosn't know
about the other locket.
Yes, but did you ever see it?
It was in this house.
Flithy mudblood...bloodtraitor Weasley!
Answer her.
Yes It was here, in this house.
Most evil object.
- What do you mean?
- Before Master. Regulus died ...
... he ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket,
but no matter how hard Kreacher tried,
he could not do it.
Well, where is it now?
- Did someone take it?
- He came in the night.
He took many things
including the locket.
Who was it, Kreacher?
Mundungus Fletcher.
the last will and testament of ...
... Albus Percival Wulfric
Brian Dumbledore.
First, to
Ronald Billius Weasley ... "
"... I leave my delumintor."
"A device, of my own making ..."
"... In hope when things
seem most dark ... "
"... it will show you the light."
- Dumbledore left this for me?
- Yes.
What is it?
" To Hermione Jean Granger ..."
"... I leave my copy of
Tales of Beedle the Bard / i ..."
"... In the hope that she finds it
entertaining and instructive "
Mom used to tell me those.
The wizard and the hopping pot,
Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump ...
Come on.
Babbity Rabbity...
"To Harry James Potter ..."
"... I leave the snitch he caught
in his first match at Hogwarts... "
"... As a reminder of
rewards of perseverance ... "
"... And skill."
Is that it then?
Not quite.
Dumbledore left you ...
... a second bequest
The sword of
Godric Gryffindor.
Unfortunately the sword of Gryffindor
was not Dumbledore's to give away.
As an important
historical artifact it belongs ...
to Harry.
It belongs to Harry.
It came to him when he most
needed it in the Chamber of Secrets.
The sword may present itself to
any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger ...
... but that does not make it
that wizards property
Unfortunately the current
whereabout of the sword are unknown.
Excuse me?
The Sword is Missing.
I don't know what you are up,
to, Mr. Potter ...
... but you can't fight
this war on your own
He is too strong.
Hello, Harry.
i've interrupted
deep thoughts, haven't I?
I see a growing
in your eyes
Of course not.
How are you, Luna?
Very well, The garden
gnome has bitten my finger...
Gnome saliva is s very benificial.
Xenophilius Lovegood.
We live just over the hill.
Pleasure to meet you, sir.
I trust you know
Mr. Potter ...
... we at the Quibbler, disagree with Daily Prophet,
and have always fully supported Dumbledore ...
... during his lifetime and after his death,
and we also support you.
Thank you.
Come Daddy.
Harry does not want to talk to us right now?.
He is just too polite
to point it out.
Harry Potter ...
Excuse me, sir.
- May I sit down?
- Mr. Potter.
By all means...here
I found what you wrote
in the Daily Prophet.
really moving.
You obviously knew
Dumbledore well.
Well, I certainly
knew him the longest.
Unless we count his brother Aberforth,
and somehow people never do seem to count Aberforth.
I didn't even know
he had a brother.
Ah Well, Dumbledore was always
very private, even as a boy.
Do not despair, Elphias.
I'm told he has been thoroughly
unrevealed by Rita Skeeter.
in 800 pages.
Word has it
that someone talked to her.
Someone who knew the
Dumbledore family well.
Both you and I know
who that is , Elphias.
Monstrous betrayal.
Who are we talking about?
Bathilda Bagshot.
- Who?
- Oh, boy ...
... she's only the most celebrated
magical historian of the last century.
She was as close to Dumbledore
as anyone
Sure Rita Skeeter thought it well
worth a trip to Godric's Hollow ...
... to take a peek into
that old birds records.
Godris Hollow?
Bathilda Bagshot lives in Godric's Hollow?
Thats where she first met Dumbledore.
You don't say thar he lived there too.
His family moved
there ...
... after his father killed
those three Muggles.
It was a quite the scandal.
Honestly my boy ...
... are you sure
that you knew him at all?
Ministry has fallen. / i
Minister of Magic is dead. / i
They are coming. / i
They are coming. / i
Nice meeting you,
Mr. Potter.
Go! Go!
Where are we?
Shaftesbury Avenue.
I used to come up here to theaters
with mom and dad.
I do not know why I though of it. It was
the first thing to come to my head
This way.
Have you ever seen this before?
- It is Master Regulus's locket!
- There were two, weren't there?
Where is the other one?
Kreacher deosn't know
about the other locket.
Yes, but did you ever see it?
It was in this house.
Flithy mudblood...bloodtraitor Weasley!
Answer her.
Yes It was here, in this house.
Most evil object.
- What do you mean?
- Before Master. Regulus died ...
... he ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket,
but no matter how hard Kreacher tried,
he could not do it.
Well, where is it now?
- Did someone take it?
- He came in the night.
He took many things
including the locket.
Who was it, Kreacher?
Mundungus Fletcher.
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