里约大冒险 Rio (2011)【完整台词】
里约大冒险 Rio (2011) 全部台词 (当前第2页,一共 8 页)
This is the heart and soul of our aviary.
Our treatment room.
They really like you.
A lot.
Yes. l'm their great, big mama bird.
Want some?
l'm good.
Many of the birds here
were rescued from smugglers.
Yes! And unfortunately,
the poor birds are often hurt
or even killed in the process.
But with proper care, they can be saved.
Look here.
This poor guy was found last night.
Hey, buddy! You're looking great today.
Much better, much better!
Get well soon!
So, where is Jewel?
We have a special place for Jewel.
She's a very spirited bird.
l'll say.
She did that?
Charming. Okay, l want to go home now.
No, no. Don't worry.
l'm going to make you look irresistible.
Help! Help! Let me out of here!
-Maybe l should...
-No, no. Give it a chance.
l come in peace.
Whoa. She's beautiful.
What were they talking about?
She's like an angel.
An angel who's getting really close...
You're standing on my throat.
You're an American.
Thanks. l need my throat for talking.
So, thank you.
You look like me.
Hi, my name is Blu.
Like the cheese with the mold on it.
You know, that smells really bad.
That's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Come on. We don't have much time.
Wait, wait, wait.
-Are you ready?
-For what?
Wow. Okay.
Confidence. Crazy love-hawk.
All right.
Whoa, what are you doing?
What? What you wanted me to.
But just for argument's sake,
what are you doing?
l am trying to escape.
Yeah, escape, that's where l was going
with that thing l just did.
Wait, wait. Did you actually think
we were going to kiss?
-No! lt's not what you think.
-We just met.
Oh, my.
l think they need a little help.
l know how my feathers look,
but l am not that kind of bird.
Okay, l had nothing to do with that.
But, you have to admit
it's actually a pretty good song.
Yeah, sing it, Lionel.
Wow. That was fast.
Lionel Richie works every time.
We should probably give them
some privacy.
l'm not so sure
l should leave Blu here alone.
No, don't worry.
Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.
Besides, he's got Jewel.
Help me!
This is the final countdown to Carnaval!
Let's samba!
Come here, poor little birdie.
lt's okay, l got you.
l got you.
Excuse me.
Please, l am trying to sleep.
l'm sorry, sleepy-head,
l'm trying to escape.
Escape? Why?
This cage is awesome.
What was l thinking?
l wouldn't expect a pet to understand.
Pet? Did you just call me a pet?
For the record, l am not a pet.
l am a companion.
And you know what?
Do whatever you want
'cause tomorrow morning,
Linda will come for me
and this whole nightmare
will be over.
You would rather be with a human
than with your own kind.
Well, that human has given me love
and affection for the past 1 5 years
whereas my own kind try to strangle me
after 1 5 seconds.
Yeah, well, because of them,
l've lost everything.
You can't trust them.
Of course...
you can trust humans.
Jewel? Jewel?
Hi, there.
lt was nice of you to join me for dinner.
l often eat alone.
Because, of course, my work.
l thought l was the bird nut until l met you.
Yes, right.
Do you have a favorite bird?
Well, obviously,
l'm a blue macaw kind of gal.
That makes sense.
They are very handsome birds.
Actually, it's the brains
l'm more attracted to.
l'm not so impressed
by fancy feathers.
l know exactly what you mean.
My favorite bird is the spotted owl.
l've always been mesmerized
by those big...
round, intelligent eyes.
Chicken hearts?
Chicken hearts! Oh, gosh.
Oh, Blu.
We should have never left Moose Lake.
This is all my fault.
No, no, Linda, Linda, please.
This is not your fault.
You're right.
lt's not my fault.
-lt's your fault!
With your little bird talk.
And that whole "save the species."
Well, you know what?
Squawk, squawkity, squawk, squawk!
l'm sorry. l didn't mean to curse.
l don't understand.
Sylvio is the best guard in the business.
So, let me get this straight.
You were attacked by a little white bird?
Yes, with this rag.
He held it to my mouth like this.
We're doomed.
Okay. There's no place like home,
there's no place like home.
How l wish l was back in my own cage
with my mirror and my swing,
and my little bell.
How l miss my little bell.
Play dead.
What? l don't need to play dead,
l'm about to have a heart attack.
Just do it!
Stop twitching.
Come on, it's the twitching that sells it.
Come on in, kid.
Well, what do you know?
Good work, Fernando.
You see, boys?
What did l tell you about this one?
That you were going to pay him
half as much as you said?
No, you idiot.
That he reminds me of myself
when l was that age.
Smart, resourceful.
Here you go, kid.
Hey. This is only half
of what you promised me.
Shut up, kid.
What the...
l thought l told you
l needed these birds alive.
Tell me, Fernando...
does this look alive to you?
Get her!
Come over here!
Come here!
pretty bird.
What's the matter?
Cockatoo got your throat?
To be continued.
That was your plan?
To take off and leave me? Gee, thanks.
Well, why didn't you follow me?
Nice work, Nigel.
Yeah, nice work, Nigel.
The last blue macaws on earth.
These are worth a fortune.
Hey, Fernando,
hang these up in the other room.
Hey, birdie!
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out of here!
Our treatment room.
They really like you.
A lot.
Yes. l'm their great, big mama bird.
Want some?
l'm good.
Many of the birds here
were rescued from smugglers.
Yes! And unfortunately,
the poor birds are often hurt
or even killed in the process.
But with proper care, they can be saved.
Look here.
This poor guy was found last night.
Hey, buddy! You're looking great today.
Much better, much better!
Get well soon!
So, where is Jewel?
We have a special place for Jewel.
She's a very spirited bird.
l'll say.
She did that?
Charming. Okay, l want to go home now.
No, no. Don't worry.
l'm going to make you look irresistible.
Help! Help! Let me out of here!
-Maybe l should...
-No, no. Give it a chance.
l come in peace.
Whoa. She's beautiful.
What were they talking about?
She's like an angel.
An angel who's getting really close...
You're standing on my throat.
You're an American.
Thanks. l need my throat for talking.
So, thank you.
You look like me.
Hi, my name is Blu.
Like the cheese with the mold on it.
You know, that smells really bad.
That's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Come on. We don't have much time.
Wait, wait, wait.
-Are you ready?
-For what?
Wow. Okay.
Confidence. Crazy love-hawk.
All right.
Whoa, what are you doing?
What? What you wanted me to.
But just for argument's sake,
what are you doing?
l am trying to escape.
Yeah, escape, that's where l was going
with that thing l just did.
Wait, wait. Did you actually think
we were going to kiss?
-No! lt's not what you think.
-We just met.
Oh, my.
l think they need a little help.
l know how my feathers look,
but l am not that kind of bird.
Okay, l had nothing to do with that.
But, you have to admit
it's actually a pretty good song.
Yeah, sing it, Lionel.
Wow. That was fast.
Lionel Richie works every time.
We should probably give them
some privacy.
l'm not so sure
l should leave Blu here alone.
No, don't worry.
Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.
Besides, he's got Jewel.
Help me!
This is the final countdown to Carnaval!
Let's samba!
Come here, poor little birdie.
lt's okay, l got you.
l got you.
Excuse me.
Please, l am trying to sleep.
l'm sorry, sleepy-head,
l'm trying to escape.
Escape? Why?
This cage is awesome.
What was l thinking?
l wouldn't expect a pet to understand.
Pet? Did you just call me a pet?
For the record, l am not a pet.
l am a companion.
And you know what?
Do whatever you want
'cause tomorrow morning,
Linda will come for me
and this whole nightmare
will be over.
You would rather be with a human
than with your own kind.
Well, that human has given me love
and affection for the past 1 5 years
whereas my own kind try to strangle me
after 1 5 seconds.
Yeah, well, because of them,
l've lost everything.
You can't trust them.
Of course...
you can trust humans.
Jewel? Jewel?
Hi, there.
lt was nice of you to join me for dinner.
l often eat alone.
Because, of course, my work.
l thought l was the bird nut until l met you.
Yes, right.
Do you have a favorite bird?
Well, obviously,
l'm a blue macaw kind of gal.
That makes sense.
They are very handsome birds.
Actually, it's the brains
l'm more attracted to.
l'm not so impressed
by fancy feathers.
l know exactly what you mean.
My favorite bird is the spotted owl.
l've always been mesmerized
by those big...
round, intelligent eyes.
Chicken hearts?
Chicken hearts! Oh, gosh.
Oh, Blu.
We should have never left Moose Lake.
This is all my fault.
No, no, Linda, Linda, please.
This is not your fault.
You're right.
lt's not my fault.
-lt's your fault!
With your little bird talk.
And that whole "save the species."
Well, you know what?
Squawk, squawkity, squawk, squawk!
l'm sorry. l didn't mean to curse.
l don't understand.
Sylvio is the best guard in the business.
So, let me get this straight.
You were attacked by a little white bird?
Yes, with this rag.
He held it to my mouth like this.
We're doomed.
Okay. There's no place like home,
there's no place like home.
How l wish l was back in my own cage
with my mirror and my swing,
and my little bell.
How l miss my little bell.
Play dead.
What? l don't need to play dead,
l'm about to have a heart attack.
Just do it!
Stop twitching.
Come on, it's the twitching that sells it.
Come on in, kid.
Well, what do you know?
Good work, Fernando.
You see, boys?
What did l tell you about this one?
That you were going to pay him
half as much as you said?
No, you idiot.
That he reminds me of myself
when l was that age.
Smart, resourceful.
Here you go, kid.
Hey. This is only half
of what you promised me.
Shut up, kid.
What the...
l thought l told you
l needed these birds alive.
Tell me, Fernando...
does this look alive to you?
Get her!
Come over here!
Come here!
pretty bird.
What's the matter?
Cockatoo got your throat?
To be continued.
That was your plan?
To take off and leave me? Gee, thanks.
Well, why didn't you follow me?
Nice work, Nigel.
Yeah, nice work, Nigel.
The last blue macaws on earth.
These are worth a fortune.
Hey, Fernando,
hang these up in the other room.
Hey, birdie!
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out of here!
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